I've been using a 10-key calculator for a long time. I like using it much better than the tiny hand held calculator on my cell phone cause I can add up a thick pile of bills in no-time, without looking away from my pile of bills. However there have been several keys on my 10-key calculator or any calculator that I never bothered to find out what they are there for and how to use them. Two of them are the M+ key and the M* key. I always used my 10-key to only do straight forward add and subtract, but I never realized I could use it to do this calculation (1300 x 5) + (1495 x 12) in one setting. I always do the two multiplications separately, then write down the total for each on a piece of paper, and add the two totals together. But thanks to this how-to guide for the 10-key calculator, now I know I can actually do this sort of calculation in one inputing sequence instead of breaking them in two and do a third inputing sequence to add the two together.
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